Asistenčné služby pre každého....bez výnimky

Pomáhame nielen seniorom s rôznymi úlohami. Naše služby slúžia pre každého, či už ste senior, podnikateľ alebo mamička, ktorá sa chce venovať dôležitejším momentom. Pomôžeme s rutinnými prácami ako sú nákupy, kosenie trávnika, či drobné opravy v domácnosti.

Pomáhame staršej generácii zoznámiť sa s technológiami

V Tvoj Asistent veríme, že technológie by mali byť blízke každému. Dlhoročné skúsenosti s elektronikou radi posúvame ďalej, pretože technologická doba nás má spájať, nie rozdeľovať.

An elderly person with grey hair uses a hearing aid. The person is wearing glasses and has their finger touching the hearing aid behind their ear.
An elderly person with grey hair uses a hearing aid. The person is wearing glasses and has their finger touching the hearing aid behind their ear.
Váš partner v učení
Trpezlivosť, empatia a slušné správanie je u nás štandard

Zakladáme si na férovom prístupe a úcte k starším. Nie každý môže byť hneď technologický mág a tomuto rozumieme. Chceme byť trpezliví a vysvetľovať tak, aby to každý pochopil.

Široké portfólio služieb pre každého

Ponúkame množstvo služieb, aby ste mali čas na to, čo je dôležité.

Pomoc s nákupom
person holding white and red plastic pack
person holding white and red plastic pack

Nákup je povinnosť, ktorú môžete posunúť na nás. Vy sa môžete venovať práci, štúdiu alebo oddychu.

An elderly person is holding a tablet, viewing images on the screen. Next to the tablet, there is a potted plant and some papers on the table, creating a cozy and casual atmosphere.
An elderly person is holding a tablet, viewing images on the screen. Next to the tablet, there is a potted plant and some papers on the table, creating a cozy and casual atmosphere.
brown and white long coated dog
brown and white long coated dog
Asistencia s elektronikou

Napísať mail, vysvetliť ako funguje počítač, zoznámiť sa s internetom, naučiť sa pracovať s programovým balíkom MS Office. Sme tu pre Vás, aby sme pomohli.

Venčenie psov je relax ale niekedy sú povinnosti dôležitejšie. S našou službou Venčenie psov stihnete všetko a Váš miláčik bude taktiež spokojný.

Milujeme zvieratá

Customer Reviews

See what our clients say about our helpful services for seniors.

Tvoj Asistent made my life easier by helping with my TV setup.

John Smith
An elderly man stands in a doorway while looking down at a smartphone. He holds a small bag in his other hand. The setting appears to be a modest and aged interior space with visible kitchen appliances and gas cylinders. There is a plastic chair to the right, and the overall environment seems utilitarian with worn surfaces.
An elderly man stands in a doorway while looking down at a smartphone. He holds a small bag in his other hand. The setting appears to be a modest and aged interior space with visible kitchen appliances and gas cylinders. There is a plastic chair to the right, and the overall environment seems utilitarian with worn surfaces.


The team was incredibly patient and knowledgeable, teaching me how to use my computer effectively. I highly recommend their services for anyone needing assistance.

An elderly person is seated on a two-wheeled trolley in an urban environment next to a high wall of windows. They are engaged in an activity with their hands, possibly preparing or eating food. The scene includes a red trolley with various items attached, such as a bag. A large building is visible outside the window.
An elderly person is seated on a two-wheeled trolley in an urban environment next to a high wall of windows. They are engaged in an activity with their hands, possibly preparing or eating food. The scene includes a red trolley with various items attached, such as a bag. A large building is visible outside the window.
Mary Johnson



Asistent trochu inak

Našimi službami sa chceme priblížiť ľuďom a pomôcť im s dennými výzvami. Doba je stále rýchlejšia a uvedomujeme si, že čas s rodinou alebo hodinka pre seba sa stávajú stále podstatnejšími.

dog biting brown leash
dog biting brown leash
man wearing black pullover hoodie holding tool
man wearing black pullover hoodie holding tool
green and black lawnmower on green grass
green and black lawnmower on green grass
view of two persons hands
view of two persons hands
a bird on a person's arm
a bird on a person's arm
person giving brown box
person giving brown box